Sunday, February 19, 2017

What's In My Cup?

In our daily lives, we play several different roles. As soon as my two daughters are awake, it's Lauren The Mother, where requests for breakfast and questions about the day's plans begin. When I leave for work, it's Lauren The Massage Therapist, where I spend hours helping others heal and feel better. When I arrive back home, it's back to Lauren The Mother, as more meals are made, plans are followed through, errands are run, baths are given and beds are tucked in tight. On evenings that my husband and I share off, it's Lauren The Wife, where we spend the night catching up with each other, sharing stories, and cuddled up with the latest episode of the week. And these are just my lead roles; add in Lauren The Daughter/Sister/Aunt/Friend - you name it. For every role we play in our lives, we give a little of ourselves to others; we are there to help, listen, give advice, lend a hand - all of these things require something from us. This is no problem, that is, if you actually have that something to give. The issue is that most of us are so caught up in all of these roles we're performing within our day to day lives, that we aren't leaving enough time to just be.

For years I went from one role to the next, without a break, and felt totally burned out. I felt anger and resentment towards my husband for working such long hours while I was left at home to care for two young kids. I had little tolerance for family drama and wasted tremendous amounts of energy wishing things were different. It seemed impossible to keep healthy relationships with old friends with kids yelling in the background of phone calls or the overwhelming amount of laundry needing to be folded during their nap. I griped and moaned about never having time for myself, made everything I needed to do seem strenuous, devoted so much time to my kids that I didn't leave room for that same love, patience, kindness or effort in any other aspect of my life. I ran myself right into the ground, and it was a vicious, repetitive cycle. All these Lauren Roles, but when the hell did I just get to be Lauren? Just me. Me time. Time without interruption, time to do what I pleased; not because it worked for our schedule or would benefit anyone else - just whatever the hell I felt like doing, for a small window each day. And so, I created that window of time, and I cherish it every damn day: coffee time.

Coffee is my EVENT. I look forward to my unnecessarily early alarm, that hot cup of coffee filled with all my foodie favorites, and my ability to just be Lauren. I can read, I can write, I can snuggle up with my puppy-buddy Petey, I can mindlessly browse my phone, finally return emails or messages to friends and family, or just sit in the still, quiet of our house while everyone peacefully sleeps. This coffee time (literally) fills my cup; I am doing something for myself, and because I mindfully take the time to tune into my needs - even just for this short, early hour - I feel taken care of. After all, we create our own happiness, and I can't rely on the day's unfolding to create it for me. I leave this hour feeling refreshed and ready for the day. When I hear the turn of the doorknob from our youngest's room, I invite those little footsteps with a smile instead of an eye roll. I feel ready to wear my first hat of the day, ready to take care of others, and am able to do it genuinely and with more patience knowing that I took that Lauren Time to put myself and my needs first. It's not selfish, it's necessary. I am the best Mother, Wife, Massage Therapist, Friend and Family Member I can be once I am taken care of. If I were to keep putting myself last, after all these different hats were worn and roles were carried out, I wouldn't be performing to the best of my ability. And so, I take my coffee time very seriously. It's a morning date with myself that I never miss.

What I put in my cup is also an important part of this coffee time, because it's what will fuel my client-filled mornings, and is the first bit of nourishment I put into my body for the day. Knowing I am having a loaded, healthy coffee helps me continue to make healthy choices throughout the day. So, what's in my cup?

My usual cup-o-Lauren is made up of freshly brewed coffee, splash of nut milk (my favorite is cashew), coconut palm suagr, collagen, and fat.

So, the coffee and milk part is seemingly normal, yes? Maybe even the coconut sugar, eh? Here's why my coffee is so amazing.

Why coconut palm sugar?
To be honest, years ago, I heard "white sugar is bad" and simply said "Okay!" and cut it out. My paleo eating habits had lead me to the discovery of organic coconut palm sugar, and I've been using it ever since.
-It's free of pesticides, chemicals, preservatives, artificial B.S. and additives.
-It contains vital minerals like zinc, potassium, iron, calcium and copper to name a few.
-It's rich in amino acids which the body needs to build proteins required to repair body tissues, aid growth and maintain healthy enzyme, tissue and hormone function.
Basically, it rocks, it's delicious, and good for you, too. You can find it in the natural section of your grocery store, or online:

Why Collagen?
I may be born to run with marathon-running parents, but I was certainly not built for it. I fractured a hip running when I was 14, and had two knee surgeries by 18. Incorporating strength training has helped immensely, but I knew my body still needed the extra support. Collagen provides this support in a long list of ways. It has been known for it's skin, hair and nail benefits, but here are the ones that grabbed my attention as I entered my own marathon training:
-it aids digestion by breaking down the proteins and fats in your foods
-it provides amino acids which support your bones and joints by lessening inflammation and repairing tissue; this helps athletes boost their performance by shortening recovery after exercise.
It dissolves in hot or cold liquids, and when added to coffee, creates this frothy awesomeness.

Why fat?
Our bodies need (good) fat, and getting them in first thing in the morning helps provide energy. According to Women's Health Magazine, Health Coach Kerry Bajaj states that starting your morning with healthy fats is good for cognitive function, and supports your hormonal system. The omega-3's and omega-6's in butter from grass-fed cows are similar to the healthy fat breakdown of fatty fish, and coconut oil consists of MCT's (Medium Chain Triglycerides), which is a unique form of fat that requires less energy and enzymes to be digested, Kerry explains. Coconut oil is rapidly absorbed by the body and therefore quickly metabolized as fuel instead of being stored as fat, in comparison to long-chain fatty acids. Research has shown that coconut oil speeds your metabolism and boost your immune system. You can also use ghee, which is clarified butter, or coconut butter, which is pureed coconut, instead of just the oil. The best places to find these items are Ocean State Job Lot, the "foodie section" at Marshall's, TJ Maxx, or Home Goods (weird, right!?), or good old

It's a cup of wholesome deliciousness.
When my sweet tooth is in high gear, I'll add a tablespoon of raw cacao powder and swap the coconut sugar for pure maple syrup. Also amazing.

My mornings rock, both for my mental well-being and for a healthy start to the usual day of chaos. I can give more to others by first giving to myself. Cheers, to a mug filled morning of awesome.

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